San Jose Becomes Next Company City, Amazon Likes There Martinis Stirred, Chinese Deploy Emotion-Detection Code

I’ve had to use all of my super powers this week. I’m glad it’s Thursday. I’m taking tomorrow off! I can’t remember the last time I did that. I’m on with Mark Starling, Seth, John, and the First News 570 crew. This week, cold cash up cryptos down, El Goog comes in the clutch with Google I/O, a Waymo driverless vehicle pulls a runner. You can listen to Mark and I point and laugh while talking about the wild and crazy technology world every Thursday morning, LIVE at 6:43am Eastern.

San Jose: The Racoon City of Real Life


I don’t know about you, but all I can think of is Racoon City. The City of San Jose, California has approved an 80-acre commercial and real estate development project its calling Downtown West. The project will consist of 4,000 housing units, 7.3 million square feet of office space, and large open space for Google employees. The project hasn’t gone on without controversy. Affordable housing advocates have protested the meager 1,000 affordable housing units given San Jose is one of the hardest places to buy a house in the country with an average price of $1.1 million. The San Jose Sharks protested the development until they were guaranteed parking at their nearby arena, and I keep thinking about that failed, fictional company town Racoon City which produced zombies.


In the latest of content distribution mega deals, Amazon has bought movie production studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, or MGM as we all know it. In a sign of too much money the deal is valued at $8.45 billion with a ‘B’. The smart money says that the deal should be valued at $6.5 billion. The key properties in the deal is of course, Bond. But Amazon might have to take their martini stirred. They’ll get 50% of a controlling interest in Bond while the Broccoli family will retain the other half. The Broccolis have retained an iron-fisted control of Bond, being directly involved in the creative direction and reach of the franchise. These people are people who know what they own. Side Note: this little purchase has raised Amazon’s anti-trust profile with anti-trust scholar and general critic Lina Khan possibly gaining a seat on the Federal Trade Commission.


Xinjiang province is known as the most surveilled municipality in the world. The province is home to 12 million ethnic Uyghurs most of whom are Muslim. Earlier this week, a Chinese software engineer said he installed camera systems and software that used emotion-detection software powered by AI. The systems have been installed in police stations around the province and have allegedly been tested on Uyghurs. Precedents like this are dangerous in my opinion. There’s something to said that machines do what they’re told, but we all know that bias has been baked in AI. Many technology companies have canceled AI projects used by US law enforcement agencies because of mistakes in the tech. Re-education centers, providing DNA to law enforcement, and emotion-detection cameras… more reasons why I have no desire to travel to China.

Waymo Car Goes Out of Control, El Goog Holds the I/O Conference, Cryptos Crash on China and Elon Musk Actions

It’s Thursday! And since I don’t own cryptos I still have money in my pocket. I’m on with Mark Starling, Seth, John, and the First News 570 crew. This week, cold cash up cryptos down, El Goog comes in the clutch with Google I/O, a Waymo driverless vehicle pulls a runner. You can listen to Mark and I point and laugh while talking about the wild and crazy technology world every Thursday morning, LIVE at 6:43am Eastern.

My Friends Are Telling Me I’m a Naysayer


Waymo rider JJRicks experienced an episode when his Level 4 Waymo got stuck at an intersection in Chandler, Arizona. Waymo Level 4 vehicles offer customers rides without a safety driver and on this occasion Joel Johnson’s Waymo decided stop at an intersection. Unfortunately, when roadside assistance arrived on the scene Joel’s Waymo…decided to run away. Really. His Waymo got confused when construction cones were placed in the intersection and left him stranded. When support arrived, the car decided to run away. Kind of like how a child does when a parent catches them doing something they shouldn’t. We still can’t explain why AI learning systems like this work, and it shows.


Google annual developer conference was canceled last year due to COVID-19, but it’s back and this year’s I/O Conference has some interesting features. Google announced its new Android operating system, Android 12 and has some features that have been familiar to Apple users like how Siri will create new Memories from a Camera Roll, but some new things like using AI to detect skin conditions. Android 12 will be featuring a new 3D video conferencing feature called Starlight which makes it appear people are speaking with you front and center. Android 12 will also feature a light to indicate when the camera and microphone are on, like iOS. Android 12 will also be featuring new privacy controls that allow a user to limit how much location information is reported to app developers.


First, it was Elon Musk saying DogeCoin was just a hustle. Then, it was Elon Musk saying BitCoin was bad for the environment. Then, it was China banning financial institutions and payment processors from accepting cryptocurrencies as payment for transactions. Either way, cryptocurrencies and the trading platforms that exchange them took a hit this week. BitCoin closed at $37k per coin from its high of $64k yesterday. Ether closed down 22.5% of its value, and the Doge closed at 35 cents per coin losing 26% of its value. All told, $1 trillion, a trillion with a ‘T’ of value was wiped out this week in the crypto market. Binance and the CoinBase trading platform were experiencing issues processing trades with CoinBase losing 5.9% of its value yesterday.

Colonial Pipeline Restarts, DIC Experiences Firm Debut, Tesla Bites Back BTC

People Are Dumb

Exxons had a hard time meeting demand in Maryland, but I still have to travel. My car might run out of gas, but the news never stops; and and it’s Thursday. I’m on with Mark Starling, Seth, John, and the First News 570 crew. This week, Elon Musk sends the Tweet heard around the Crypto World, people stop pumping gas in bags . You can listen to Mark and I point and laugh while talking about the wild and crazy technology world every Thursday morning, LIVE at 6:43am Eastern.


I received the news about the Colonial Pipeline late Saturday night. I had just gotten a Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal. I did not go out and refuel. Instead, I watched Elon Musk tell Michael Che Dogecoin (and other cryptos) were one big hustle. Late Saturday night, Colonial Pipeline Company received a ransom note from DarkSide, a known Russian hacking group. Colonial Pipeline operates the longest oil pipeline in the United States delivering 3 million barrels of oil across 5500 miles of pipeline from Texas up the East Coast every day.

Colonial Pipeline’s billing systems were compromised in the attack, and they couldn’t figure out how to bill customers so they shut off their systems. Working with the US government and private industry, Colonial Pipeline was able to find the missing data on servers in the United States that were subsequently shutdown. Thanks to this quick work, Colonial Pipeline will not pay a ransom and has apparently been able to restart their systems from backups.

I did receive some insider knowledge on this one. There were murmurs of this attack going down two weeks prior to it happening, and the government was notified. What’s at issue is that US infrastructure is constantly under threat, and every threat can’t be investigated.

Please note, this is serious. This is an attack on critical US infrastructure. If bombs were involved, we would be declaring war. I’m not sure there should be a distinction when these types of events occur just because they happen in the digital realm. Also, please take this into consideration. Given the size and scope of this attack, more of these are to come.

Also, there was no need for panic buying. Not this time anyway.


A newly listed digital token currency called Digital Internet Computer has surged to a market capitalization of $45 billion, with a B. The digital token is designed to make it easier to publish content to the Internet. (Whatever that means) The token uses smart contracts to publish content to the blockchain’s digital ledger and is supposed to be an alternative to using reputable cloud services like Amazon and Microsoft. Either way, the token’s price is hovering around $700 right now.


With 1 Tweet Elon Musk May Rock the Crypto World

Computers mining for BitCoin produce as much carbon pollution as the entire country of New Zealand. Computers are already notorious resource hogs, and the algorithms needed to mint the next BitCoin are some of the most energy intensive computations on the planet. In a bid to save the environment, Elon Musk Tweeted that Tesla will no longer be selling BitCoin or accepting as payment for cars. I’m curious to see what the impact will be on coins like BTC and Ethereum as their algorithms are the most environmentally impactful.

Bill and Melinda Split, Your Car is Spying on You, and More Tech

Think twice when you rent your next rental car. My weeks aren’t getting any easier. But, it’s Thursday, and I’m on with Mark Starling, Seth, John, and the First News 570 crew. This week, Bill and Melinda announce a divorce, buyer beware, your car may be spying on you, and Epic and Apple go to court. You can listen to Mark and I point and laugh while talking about the wild and crazy technology world every Thursday morning, LIVE at 6:43am Eastern.

Nah, but Satire is Pretty Funny, I Hope This Doesn’t Ruin My Chances of Him Writing My Foreword


I tried to come up with something witty, but I don’t like making fun of people breaking up. The biggest tech news of the week is Bill and Melinda Gates announcing their divorce. After 27-years, they’ve decided that they can no longer grow together and are going their separate ways. With over $146 billion in wealth, the couple had said that they planned to give away most of their wealth. They’ll both be continuing their work at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which has over $51 billion in assets. In some circles, JLo may have been the cause of the rift, but I honestly think Bill wanted to read his books, learn more stuff, and keep saving the planet, while Melinda wanted to grow. I wager a dollar on it. In related news, millions of women have been, shooting their shot, by invading Bill Gates’ DMs.

Shoot Your Shot, Peaches


We all sort of knew our cars were up to no good, right? If you’re an owner (or renter) of a vehicle with CarPlay or Android Audio there’s a really good chance your car is collecting personal data you didn’t intend it to. The US Customs and Border Protection Agency has purchased technology that will allow it to extract driving data as well as address books, text messages, and other data. USCBP bought technology from a Swedish company that extracts data from cars with CarPlay. When you sync your phone with a CarPlay or similar system, CarPlay acts like a miniature version of your phone downloading your Address Book, call history, locations visited, and text messages. CBP wants to use this data follow suspects and persons of interest. The implications are even deeper because of the CBP has this data, other law enforcement agencies are close on their heels.


On Monday, an epic battle in court began with the anti-trust suit Epic Games has brought against Apple. The main question is whether or not Apple’s App Store constitutes a monopoly and that the iPhone should support other App Stores. During the trial, however, a philosophical question came up. Is the iPhone more like a PC or an Xbox? Why does the answer matter? Because, if the iPhone is like a console like the Xbox, and Apple is found guilty in this trial, then every other console or platform that governs its own app store will be treated as a monopoly. My opinion? Apple should be able to dictate how its App Store operates and charge the fees they are charging. It is a risk, Apple may one day want to charge fees of 50%, but it is their device and platform. The government shouldn’t dictate how a platform delivers its products and controls its ecosystem. My opinion. No one would care about that fee unless the numbers were in the billions of potential revenues. The Google Play Store is known to have viruses being delivered on its platform. Is that something we really want? The other alternative is that there will be no App Stores and people can download apps directly from the developer. That would be the PC model.

Apple Receives Ransom Demand, Children Sue the TikTok for Billions, Apple and El Goog Team Up Against US Senate, and Lots of Cool Apple Products

Guess what?!? I’m fully vaxxed! I’m back home, and I’m on with Mark Starling, Seth, John, and the First News 570 crew. This week, Apple’s products get ransomed, a bunch of kids in the UK sue TikTok, Apple and Google testify in front of the Senate, and lots of new Apple products. You can listen to Mark and I point and laugh while talking about the wild and crazy technology world every Thursday morning, LIVE at 6:43am Eastern.

It’s So Sexy: I Want One


It was bound to happen at some point, even if it was an indirect attack. On the same day of Apple’s Spring Loaded event, the Russian hacking group, REvil, aka Sodinokibi (pick a name) issued a ransom demand to Quanta, a Taiwanese company that manufactures Apple products. Yes, the hackers issued the ransom on the same day of Apple’s event and leaked schematics of the latest iMac to prove their booty was legit. Quanta admitted they were hacked and refused to pay up the $50 million. REvil has now gone directly to Apple and are giving them until May 1st to pay the $50 million or they’ll leak schematics and design documentation for the M1, the 2021 MacBook, and an unnamed upcoming MacBook update. I hope Apple doesn’t pay. If another corporation builds something on their designs Apple can site IP infringement to the other company. That purple iPhone looks hot!


I might be a tad bit dramatic here, but the former UK commissioner for Children’s Affairs, Anne Longefield, has sued TikTok for how it handles and processes children’s data. The legal claim was originally brought by an unnamed 12-year old child and has been filed on behalf of all children in the UK. If the kids win, each child in the UK could be entitled to billions of pounds. TikTok has been fined by the US Federal Trade Commission for how it handles data to the tune of $5.4 million and has also been fined by South Korea. Stay tuned, someone in the US is looking at this case and wondering if and when they’ll file a class action.


Apple and Google were on the hill yesterday defending their stranglehold on the fees app developers pay to have their applications listed in the stores. For those in the audience, Apple and Google charge app developers 30% on sales of apps and in-app purchases. But, let’s Uber off, and doesn’t charge a fee for physical products. (One of our apps used to sell physical products) A plethora of software companies including Tile, Spotify, and Match dragged themselves up Capitol Hill to complain. Match, the company that owns Tinder, paid Apple $500 million in App Store fees last year. Goodness gracious!


While REvil was having people proofread its ransom note before sending it to Apple, lovers of the fruit company logged onto their local Internet and tuned in to Apple’s Spring Loaded event. And, there was lots of cool stuff gawk at and drool over.

The new iMac is impossibly thin and looks like a big ole iPad Pro. The computer is only 11.5mm thin, that’s thinner than my laptop and is powered by Apple’s M1 processor. It also comes with a 1080p camera for FaceTime calls, and is seriously thin. I want one. Preorder on April 30th, and have it in mid-May.

There’s also a purple iPhone. I picked up the blue iPhone 12 last year, and I really like the device. It’s the same iPhone as last year, but it’s purple dammit! Preorder on April 30th, and have it in mid-May.

There’s also a new iPad Pro coming out. Again, powered by Apple’s M1 chip the new iPad Pro will be running a new version of iPadOS and at 32 cores on the chip is basically a laptop computer. The new iPad Pro also has a Thunderbolt port that is capable of delivering 40Gb per second. And…it uses USB-C, not a lightning port. But I’m sure somewhere in there they’re cables will be flimsy but cost $30. Preorder on April 30th, and have it in mid-May.

Lastly, Tile is pissed, a day before Tile testified before the US Senate, Apple announced something called an AirTag. AirTags are small BlueTooth devices you can attach to keys, wallets, and children to help you find things after you lose them. You can attach an AirTag to your keys and use the Find My app to locate it in the house. The AirTag even has a speaker that will ding if you can’t find your keys under all the laundry. You can preorder on April 23rd and have it on the 30th.