Coinbase Faces Customer Issues Ahead of IPO, Microsoft In Talks to Buy Discord, and IP Dispute Disrupts COVID-19 Vaccinations Abroad

I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent two weeks reading up on NFTs and cryptocurrencies. I have strong opinions. It’s another week with Mark Starling, Seth, John, and the First News 570 crew. This week, intellectual property disputes are at the center of COVID-19 relief efforts in poor countries, Coinbase is trying to go public but has serious issues with customers, and Microsoft is in talks to buy a gaming network. You can listen to Mark and I point and laugh while talking about the wild and crazy technology world every Thursday morning, LIVE at 6:43am Eastern.

My Shot Is Scheduled for This Coming Wednesday


The cryptocurrency guys are all on the hype about how cryptocurrency will change the world and how people view money. But in an industry in which payments take minutes to clear, rampant volatility, and no knowledge of where to go for help, there’s a lot that needs to be done to have faith in 1 and 0 cash. Cryptocurrency trading post, Coinbase, is poised for an IPO soon with many customers complaining that their accounts are hacked, funds frozen, or locked. Coinbase has said that it has 2,000 human beings for support calls, and are working under an extreme set of circumstances since crypto exchanges are constantly trading. I’ll admit, I am critical of cryptocurrencies and I think it’s a way for moneyed people to make more money by soaking in capital from people who can’t afford it. There I said it. And if you think I’m hating on cryptocurrencies read this other article on NFTs.


Yesterday, news surfaced that Microsoft is in talks to buy the freely available Discord chat and community service for 10-BILLION-DOLLARS-WITH-A-B. Discord is a service that brings a 100 million users together. It’s primarily a gaming community site, and I have played a few rounds of DnD there. Strategically, Microsoft can bring 100 million monthly users onto its XBOX platform making more games and content available to that community. Discord for its part has been trying to expand beyond gaming into other areas. We’ve been reporting on massive acquisitions on First News 570 and it looks like they won’t be letting up. And, I’m doing the wrong stuff.


We’ve been reporting on various aspects of coronavirus since the pandemic began and an interesting turn on the vaccine’s distribution revolves around the use of patents. In 2016, Dr. Barney Graham, a US scientist working at the National Institutes of Health devised a molecular engineering method that could swap amino acids in a coronavirus protein. The method could be used as a universal key to create vaccines for any coronavirus including MERS, the flu, and COVID-19. Since the work was paid for by US taxpayers, and done at government labs, a patent for the technique is about to be awarded to the US government in a couple of days. The technique in this patent is what is used by the Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson vaccines and is the reason why a discovered occurred so swiftly. The US had always planned to inoculate Americans first and give away doses to the rest of the world. The problem however is that poorer countries are now experiencing variants of COVID-19 and want to manufacturer doses locally which means they need access to US patented technology. My opinion is conflicted, I think we should be giving this vaccine away for free, COVID-19 is a killer and we’re all affected. I also think that we SHOULD NOT give away techniques and technology when we’ve made it. Innovation and the pay day at the end, frankly, is what led to such a swift discovery.

Quarantine Connectivity – Safe and Secure Web Browsing

Courtesy –

Each week, I’ll share a new way for you to stay connected with your friends and family. This Friday, I’m sharing some information about secure browsing. In a world of social distancing, streaming services, social hangouts, and intimate entertainment services have all spiked in usage. In a time in which the Senate is giving the FBI more snooping power, and fraud and scams increasing due to the pandemic, I thought this would be a good time to talk about navigating and using your favorite services safely, securely, and privately.

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#CopingWithCOVID19 – Easy Authoring Using iBooks Author

The iBooks Edition is Going to Be the Digital Hotness

For many, the forced quarantine has given creators and makers time to complete projects they’ve had on the shelf. Every week, I’ll feature some things to do during the COVID-19 quarantine. It may be an app, tool, game, or something techie you can use to be more productive or be entertained during the quarantine.

First, I apologize for missing last week’s post on creativity tools. Too many 24 hour work days in one week.

This week’s post is another in the, choose-the-right-tool-for-the-right-job column. In an earlier article, I wrote about using Scrivener for my novel and for a new comic book I’m writing.

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#CopingWithCovid19 – Rave with KORG’s iKaossillator

Get Your Rave On

For many, the forced quarantine has given creators and makers time to complete projects they’ve had on the shelf. Every week, I’ll feature some things to do during the COVID-19 quarantine. It may be an app, tool, game, or something techie you can use to be more productive or be entertained during the quarantine.

Sometimes you’re sitting around the house during quarantine, and you get the urge to make some dope beats. Yesterday, it’s been a month since we’ve been cloistered in the Mapp household, and we’ve been doing a bunch of things to stay entertained and saned while in close quarters.

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Quarantine Connectivity – Video Chatting Using Marco Polo

These days, many of us are trying out new ways of staying connected with. Even though we’re stationery these days, mobile convenience is hard to pass up. Also, we might be quarantined, but we may not be quarantined with bae, and sometimes you just want to see someone’s face.

She is a Cool Ass Chick

Each week, I’ll share a new way for you to stay connected with your friends and family. On this Good Friday, I present to you, Marco Polo, a video instant messaging platform that was shared with me by someone I was once close with.

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