The Cloud. Digital Technology. Decoded


The Cloud is live and online.

The Cloud is my new show on Astrid Intermedia. It’s a monthly podcast that will dive deep into big technology and asks the question, “is technology really delivering on its promises?”

The first show explores why smart city projects haven’t taken off in North America. We featured, Nick Maynard, the CEO of US Ignite. US Ignite helps cities and municipalties adopt smart city technologies to support their citizens.

You can listen to The Cloud now!

The Cloud will be available on Apple Podcasts, Google, Spotify, and iHeartRadio.


Demystifying Computing

Have you ever looked at the screen and wondered what’s going on in there? Coming in time for the holidays, Seven Brief Lessons on Computing is a fast and entertaining read that shares how computers work for the curious.

Find out more at

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